I have a terrible habit of googling myself from time to time. I like to see where my name's being misused and why. At the moment there seems to be a glut of my old DVD reviews being used for selling DVDs from Hostel to Some Kind of Wonderful. There's also the IMDB links... and this. Oh... my... God... My jaw literally hit the floor when I saw this. The above image is screen-capped from a site called Manpaper. As far as I can tell it's a male celeb site that seems to list general information, including nude scenes. So, the question begs... just what in God's name am I doing on there?! They've essentially cribbed info (and images) from the IMDB.
I guess, since I've already begun 'selling' myself through the IMDB, this kind of thing is inevitable. But really, how have I (with one credit for a Star Wars fan film) opened myself up for lines like: Review Grant Kempster's Nude Scenes from his Filmography by choosing 'Nude Scenes' as the Comment Type. ??? It's absolute insanity!
Well I voted you a perfect ten at Manpaper.........
Grant! How the heck are you? Long time no type to. I can relate to your IMDb woes, though I haven't gathered enough courage up to actually Google myself. Eek. I, too, will promise to vote you a perfect 10... while averting my eyes from any accidental sighting of privates. ;-> Email me to catch up sometime. I've opened a Brit halfway house, apparently, as both Paul Simpson and John Mosby will be staying in my guestroom this Spring. Say "hi" to my wee pal Robb for me. Cheers, Kerry
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