It's been almost a year since I had my last proper lead on the rom/com. And as I've said before, it seems that you can think a project is dead in the water and then BANG, up it jumps!
The latest revelation concerns my producer's latest trip to LA, during which time he spoke to a well-conected producer (who, among others, was on-board The Dark Knight) about our romantic comedy project. And the great news is that he liked it... with one reservation: the locale. So, it would seem that the project will be trading the dusty streets of London for New York (or maybe LA).
And yes... that means another draft (a proper 'from scratch' job).
With a good 12 months between drafts, I'm pretty sure the mojo is there to get this thing ship-shape in the next month or so. In fact I'm looking forward to it!
In other news: I'm seriously considering making a short film - in fact was about to write the script when this came up. So it's on the back-burner... but not forgotten. Watch this space...