Saturday, 2 August 2008

30% of Something is Better Than 100% of Nothing...

The other day I found myself playing the good news, bad news game as I spoke on the phone with my producer regarding 'The Romantic Comedy' (as I am now describing it - and how you'll find it is now referred to throughout this blog). So what do you want first? Yeah, like everyone... you want the bad.
Another writer is coming on board to do a re-write. Not to write 'with' me, but to write over me. And as a result of this, my cut of the writing wages has been cut to just 30% of what I would have made before.
Sucks right? Well, not exactly.
So here comes the good news. With the input from this new guy (who is currently writing something for two high-profile American comedians) it looks like we're going to finally get that funding, and we're talking telephone numbers. All of which means that the movie may just get made after all.
It's a bitter pill to swallow, the thought that despite two years hard graft someone can swan in at the last moment, spend a month or two writing and run off with more than half the money. But, at the end of the day, I'm a rookie and am lucky to even get the opportunity to have my name gracing the silver screen so early on in my career. And, like this heading says, 30% of something is better than 100% of nothing!
If this all goes ahead as planned, we could be looking at bagging that 'established British thesp' we always wanted, along with one of our first choices for the lead male (as my producer is currently acting with him in what promises to be next year's sleeper horror comedy hit, Doghouse).
Anyone's who's followed this blog from the outset will understand that this could well just be another 'up' blip on the treacherous road to getting a movie made, with another 'down' blip just around the corner. But who knows...