Friday, 11 April 2008

In you own time

This morning I tried out something new. In my relentless attempts to cover all bases creatively, I managed to get myself in the door at Big Finish's studios to record some background dialogue for one of their Stargate audio releases.
Basically this just involved me standing in a small wooden booth and shouting "Kill Her!!" loudly into a mic for about 10 minutes. But, despite it's rung position at the bottom of the acting ladder, it was still an interesting excercise and something I'd definately like to develop. As my two boys would attest, I like to do the voices, although I'm not sure there's much need of PC Plod in the world of Stargate.
In other news... more notes on the romantic comedy... draft seven, here we come!

Monday, 7 April 2008

Out of the Blue

Only the other day someone asked me about the romantic comedy and I sighed heavily and explained that, while the sixth draft is done, it now sits waiting for someone to throw some money at it. "Something could happen with it tomorrow, or not for years" I said.
Then last night I got a brief email from my producer asking me to put together a new synopsis as he had someone that might be interested in making it.
It seems that this is how this particular industry works (at least on my low rung of the ladder). Up one minute, down the next.
Frankly, right now, I could do with the 'up' side of that, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed, although not without the hefty chunk of skepticism that I've had to incorporate into the 'dream' of this project becoming a reality.
In other news, Sword of Bad is on track for coming in woefully short of its expected 120 pages (we're talking almost half of that)! At this point it's only a bare-bones pass at the first draft, but even so it's the first script I've written which hasn't naturaly hit its page count.