It'd all gone a bit quiet on the romantic comedy. The pace had been gathering nicely through April and May, at the end of which it looked like we might be ready to roll. But for various reasons (which I'm not going to go into indepth on here), the director - and funding which would have accompanied him - just wasn't the right fit for us. Consequently we're back to being a script without a home. Further to that I've had another round of notes on the second draft and it would seem that there's still a bunch of work to do. So this morning I began the third draft and, I guess... we'll see how that goes.
It's frustrating to once again be staring at a blank Final Draft page, but then that's the nature of the business and I really shouldn't complain. I'm under no assumption that I'm actually any good at this. I'm just learning the ropes, and if this thing actually gets made, I'll be one of the lucky few.
I've given myself a couple of weeks (as I start a new 9-6 job at the end of the month) to get this done... maybe there'll be more news after that.